Monday, February 28, 2011

The Handmade Marketplace

So I bought this book yesterday and I am really excited to go through it. I will be posting from time to time about my process. I am applying it not only to my crafts but my photography and my vintage clothing. I recently started an Etsy but thats it, I havn't done barely any promoting simply because I am not sure how to. We also have the Shreveport Makers Fair which is being put on by TACA. So I bought this book to aid me in selling my products.

The first chapter had a set of questions and i wrote them out and answered them. I know this may be boring and cheesy but I wanted to share.

1.Why do you want to start selling crafts?
I love to create. I want to be able to support myself financially doing what I love.

2.What are my monetary goals?
To be able to creatively support myself

3.What does my idea of success look like?
Doing what I know God wants me to do and glorifying Him while doing it.

4. Do I have enough free time to devote to selling my work?
I feel like I don't but i know I can make time for it.

5.Do I have enough tools to begin selling what i make?
I feel like I do

6.What are your biggest fears?
Getting in over my head and failing

7.Do you have a support system?
YES! My mom and dad, The Wild hearts ( my best friends), and Nathan ( my amazing boyfriend)!

So thats it for now, but I will be back to post more about this book and how it is helping me!

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